WhatsApp-Image-2025-02-05-at-18.42.01-807x1024 Echanges Socioéducatifs au cœur du Village de la Jeunesse

Under the supervision of Micheline EKANI AMOUGOU Epse ATANGA, head of the Socio-Cultural Exchanges sub-committee, the activity is in full swing

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A traditional business

Socio-educational exchanges are a well-known feature of the Onzaine. At each event, young people and other social strata converge on the Onzaine stand to learn about current issues from the right sources. Once again this year, the committee has planned educational talks with the support of development partners.

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A look at the Health Sector.

The Fake News Phenomenon: How to get information from the right source

Representatives of the World Health Organisation are at the helm.

As part of these socio-educational exchanges, the WHO intends to contribute to the dissemination of good information.

Here are a few tips 👇🏾

👉🏽 Call 1510, MINSANTE's toll-free number

👉🏽 Going to approved health facilities

👉🏽 Visit the official MINSANTE website and pages.

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Vaccine Talk

C’est avec Le Programme Élargie de Vaccination.

What is the purpose of vaccination?
Overall, vaccination is a means of preventing disease. Anyone can be vaccinated, especially children aged 0-11 months up to 5 years. Younger children aged between 09 and 13 can be vaccinated against uterine cancer for girls and genital cancer for boys. And most recently, the Covid 19 vaccine for the over-18s.

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Good to know

It is important to be vaccinated against

👉🏽 Tetanus

👉🏽 Diphtheria

👉🏽 Poliomyelitis

👉🏽 Rougeole

👉🏽 Tuberculose

👉🏽 Covid 19

👉🏽 Coqueluche

👉🏽 Yellow Fever

Among others

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A young person asks about diseases. They seem to have developed a certain resistance. The answer is simple. Science is evolving. Vaccines too, to better adapt to the resistance of viruses and diseases. The public authorities, in partnership with health organisations, are setting up mechanisms to guarantee access to healthcare at lower cost, such as Universal Health Coverage.

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Micheline EKANI AMOUGOU Epse ATANGA, head of the Socio-Cultural Exchanges sub-committee, gave an overview of this sub-committee.

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