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Exchanges between Members of Government from the Education, Training, Culture, Sport and Leisure sectors and young people
📌 _The National Museum's social room_.

🗓️ Monday 03 February 2025

WhatsApp-Image-2025-02-03-at-18.53.12-1024x768 Échanges entre les Membres du Gouvernement des secteurs Éducation, Formation, culture, Sports et loisirs et les jeunes

The Government represented

This first discussion session was attended by:
👉🏽 René Emmanuel SADIMinister for Communication, Government Spokesman ;
👉🏽 ISSA TCHIROMA BAKARYMinister for Employment and Vocational Training ;
👉🏽 MOUNOUNA FOUTSOUMinister for Youth and Civic Education;
👉🏽 Pr Narcisse MOUELLE KOMBIMinister for Sport and Physical Education;
👉🏽 Pr Pauline Nalova LyongaMinister for Secondary Education.

WhatsApp-Image-2025-02-03-at-18.53.50-768x1024 Échanges entre les Membres du Gouvernement des secteurs Éducation, Formation, culture, Sports et loisirs et les jeunes

The first speaker was Fadimatou Iyawa Ousmanou, President of the BEN CNJC.

After the customary greetings, she began by thanking the President of the Republic, His Excellency Paul BIYA, for the opportunity he has given young people. She then thanked the Prime Minister, Head of Government Chief Dr Joseph Dion Ngute, for his support in implementing this initiative, and finally thanked the various heads of ministerial departments who were happy to take part in this exercise, to the great delight of young people.

He went on to mention the recent consultations carried out by MINJEC to draw up the future national youth policy, which led to the initiative of consultations by sector of activity to enable young people to express themselves in their own sector.
She concludes by recommending that the young people pay close attention and participate seriously in the discussions.

WhatsApp-Image-2025-02-03-at-18.54.23-768x1024 Échanges entre les Membres du Gouvernement des secteurs Éducation, Formation, culture, Sports et loisirs et les jeunes

The second speaker was René Emmanuel SADI, Minister of Communication and Government Spokesman.

He began by thanking all his ministerial colleagues for taking part in the exercise.
Special congratulations and encouragement to Minister MOUNOUNA FOUTSOU for his work and organisation of this event.
He went on to stress the importance of this activity not only for young people, but also for the government, as it provides an opportunity to inform them about all the government initiatives aimed at them.

He therefore recommends that young people take their discussions seriously and pay close attention so that they can make the most of the various contributions made by members of the Government.

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Now it's time to start talking

The first series of questions concerns the :

- Vocational training to find out what is actually being done to nationalise jobs

-Sport and leisure to find out about the opportunities and challenges facing young people in the development of the sports industry in Cameroon.

- Education to find out what is being done to promote economic patriotism among young pupils and students

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The first response is from Minister ISSA TCHIROMA BAKARY

He emphasised that the nationalisation of jobs in major construction sites is one of the State's priorities.
In support of this, he cites the decisions taken by the President of the Republic, the Prime Minister and himself, MINEFOP, to guarantee the recruitment of local people for the various projects being implemented

In addition, to overcome the problem of expertise in certain sectors, a Cameroonian assistant is compulsory for positions entrusted to foreigners in order to guarantee the transfer of skills.
It also points out that foreigners in this situation are authorised for a period of 2 years.
He then spoke about the National Employment Fund, which is now the hub of employment in Cameroon, and which allocates jobs to job seekers on the basis of their skills.
He went on to point out that MINEFOP has made a number of achievements, including the construction and equipping of several vocational and trade training centres and the opening of a training centre for trainers.

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He was followed by the Minister for Sport and Physical Education

He began his speech by clarifying and specifying MINSEP's missions

He then returns to the issue, starting with the opportunities aspect.

Here he talks about employment opportunities and economic integration
The sports sector is very buoyant, offering an unlimited number of direct and indirect employment opportunities.
To capitalise on this, MINSEP is encouraging the practice of high-level sport through the 55 national sports federations, which represent the dozens of sports practised in Cameroon, and around these disciplines there are professions such as teaching, technical officials, refereeing, physical trainers, sports management, etc.

As far as the challenges are concerned, MINSEP stresses that despite all the opportunities mentioned above, several bottlenecks still stand in the way of the development of sport in Cameroon. These include

Timid support for the development of sport by the private sector. The state is the only provider of funds for the development of sport.

A shortage of sports coaches

The quality of the sporting show

Insufficient training provision for sports professions

Lack of local expertise in the construction and maintenance of sports facilities

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The next step is taken by the Minister for Secondary Education, NALOVA LYONGA.

To answer the question put to her, the Minister has a simple piece of advice for young people: think like an entrepreneur

Stressing that she cannot go into the technical details of what is being done on the ground, she simply recommends that young people see opportunities in any problem and think about a solution in the local context.
An attitude in line with economic patriotism

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Two new questions were put, one to the Minister of State for Higher Education and the other to the Minister for Youth and Civic Education.

-For MINESUP, what is the impact of the university enterprise initiative on the employability of young people and the promotion of import substitution?

-For MINJEC, what is the CMPJ and the Biometric Youth Card, and how can they be obtained?

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Inspector General at MINESUP and representative of the Minister of State Prof. Jaques FAME NDONGO speaking

He began by outlining the development of higher education in Cameroon
He went on to point out that statistics show that the informal sector predominates in Cameroon's employment map.
With this in mind, he goes on to answer the question posed by saying that the university enterprise initiative or the student entrepreneur status is designed to accentuate the vision of young students creating their own business.
So this initiative does indeed promote import substitution and economic patriotism, and in turn makes young Cameroonians more employable.

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Now it's the turn of the Minister for Youth and Civic Education

First of all, as usual, the civic-minded minute, which consisted of a quick assessment of who has a biometric youth card? Who knows the CMPJ?

The conclusion of this evaluation is that very few have the information they need.

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To teach these under-informed young people a lesson, Minister MOUNOUNA FOUTSOU called on their representative, the president of the BEN CNJC.

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After this lesson for young people, the Family Doctor recommends that they listen carefully and inform themselves sufficiently.

Following this advice to young people, he took the opportunity to thank his government colleagues and particularly MINCOM for their commitment to this activity.

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To conclude this first session of exchanges between young people and members of the government, the government spokesman René Emmanuel SADI

First of all, he was delighted with the large number of young people who took part in this exchange session, reflecting their interest in this activity.
He then encouraged these young people to continue in this vein, to be serious and hard-working, because they are the future of Cameroon.
Looking for information and the right information
He put the emphasis on entrepreneurship, which was the leitmotiv of these discussions, in order to become entrepreneurs who will boost import substitution and, by extension, the country's development in all sectors.

WhatsApp-Image-2025-02-03-at-18.58.42-768x576 Échanges entre les Membres du Gouvernement des secteurs Éducation, Formation, culture, Sports et loisirs et les jeunes

To conclude this first session of exchanges between young people and members of the government, the government spokesman René Emmanuel SADI

First of all, he was delighted with the large number of young people who took part in this exchange session, reflecting their interest in this activity.
He then encouraged these young people to continue in this vein, to be serious and hard-working, because they are the future of Cameroon.
Looking for information and the right information
He put the emphasis on entrepreneurship, which was the leitmotiv of these discussions, in order to become entrepreneurs who will boost import substitution and, by extension, the country's development in all sectors.

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